Have you checked my whatsapp status yet??. Isn’t this the statement, you hear so often these days. WhatsApp being the necessity in today’s world has also become an important part of our lives. Its level into our life has grown so much that we just can’t remain saturated from this messaging application. This application gives us the best way to express our emotions, feelings and whatever going in our minds. It enables the audience to write their thoughts in the form of words. whatsapp can be called as the new way or the best way of communication, through this application we can reach the people who are so far from us and all our dear ones who live far away. Cool whatsapp Status, best whatsapp status, whatsapp status in hindi is not a mere combination of words, but it is the compilation of all the feelings you want to express or vocal about in the form of perfectly framed sentence.

Life is too short. Don’t waste it reading my WhatsApp status…
The Earth without “Art” is just “Eh”.
I’m so good at sleeping, I can do it with my eyes CLOSED.
Love is like the sun coming out of the clouds And warming your soul.
You compliment someone for their mustaches And suddenly she isn’t your friend anymore.
It’s going to get harder before it becomes easier But it will get easier Just gotta get through hard stuff first.
Life is like riding a bicycle You have to KEEP moving in order to keep your balance.
Don’t give free advice to anyone because no one cares about free things.
Situations are TEMPORARY, love is PERMANENT, so don’t break it for temporary problems…
Everything happens for a reason But sometimes reason is that you’re stupid And you make bad decisions.
I Don’t Have An Attitude Problem I Just Have A Personality that you cannot handle
Days are changing,people’s are changing…. This is the change I notice.
I feel crazy myself when someone says you are luck guy to have a nice wife.
Best Whatsapp Status For Friends
WhatsApp makes it possible to stay connected with our friends and kins. Best whatsapp status For Friends is a sort of craze among the youth, especially if we talk about Friendship Day or any friend’s birthday, this is the best to show them the love and affection. People appreciate each other, make fun of each other with the help of words which are framed in a meaningful sentence dubbed as whatsapp status. This application facilitates us to use emojis and stickers to make a Funny whatsapp status more relatable and witty. People all around the world update WhatsApp Status for Friends And Family on various events of their life, to bestow the love upon their loved ones. It makes the bond, even more, stronger among the people across the world.
I know who I am, you do not need to explain.
I am quitting facebook to face my books.
Act like a lady, think like a boss.
Facebook is like prison, you write on walls and get poked by people you don’t know.
Look like a girl, act like a lady, think like a man and roll like a boss.
साले वो सब भी attitude के दीवाने बने जा रहे है … जिन्हे ये भी नहीं पता की attitude में कितने “t” होते हैं 😜 😎 😏
My attitude: I don’t like to take right decision, I take decisions and make them right.
तेवर न दिखाओ तो लोग आँख दिखाने लग जाते हैं 😎 😏 😏 😎
One Line WhatsApp Status

I don’t care what you think of me I’m happy that’s all that matters..:)
Happiness does not have a price tag so smile.
God is really creative , I mean ..just look at me.
I love buying new things but I hate spending money.
I speak my mind. I never mind what I speak.
I’m not arguing, I’m simply tried to explaining why I’m Right.
Today morning when I was driving my Ferrari, the alarm woke me up.
I’m jealous my parents, I’ll never have a kid as cool as theirs.
I don’t care what people think or say about me, I was not born on this earth to please everybody.
I don’t have an attitude problem, I just have a personality that you can’t handle.
I stopped fighting with my inner demons. We are on the same side now.
We all are born to die, don’t feel more special than me.
Dear Math, please grow up and solve your own problems, I’m tired of solving them for you.
If I could be anything, l would be ur tear, so l could be born in ur eye, live down ur cheek and die on ur lips…
You say it best when you say nothing at all!!
Right or Wrong doesn’t exist! When u have a CONFIDENCE.
Life is Just a Journey.
Sometimes, I want to meet myself from someone else’s point of view!
Sometimes I’ts better To be Alone.. Nobody Can Hurt You!
God is really creative, I mean.. just look at me! 🙂
I don’t care what anybody says about me as long as it isn’t true.
Latest WhatsApp Status
Thinking holds what you feel, feeling drives what we think.
Shit happens. Everyday. To everyone. The difference is in how people deal with it.
Maturity is not when we start speaking big things. It is when we start understanding small things.
A friendship that can end never really began!
Whatsapp Status In English, Hindi
Cool Whatsapp Status:- This application is unbiased in regards to language and thus offers various languages for communication purposes. People use whatsapp status in Hindi, English etc if they are very much comfortable in their native language. Now and then something or the other happens in everyone’s life, and the users update their thoughts very often. If we talk about the Valentine’s Day which passed recently, people used this application to share the love, and this application was blasting with loads of whatsapp status on Love. Lovers across the world updated best whatsapp status for Valentine’s Day, to express their love for their partner. This application somehow saves all the long distance relationships and the people who are staying quite far away from their partners.

#तजुर्बा और 😎 खुशिया #बेशुमार 💯 मिलती ❤ #है ||
#कभी बैठिये 👍 जनाब 👤 #�..पने बडे़ 🔥 बुजुर्गो 👴🏻 के #साथ ||
#लोग 👥 बिना 😏 काम 🖥️ किये ⏳ #ही_किस्मत 🙏 को कोसते 👊 रहते 😔 #है
#कामयाब 🏆 होने के 👍 लिये सब 💯 होता है 😎 #उनके_पास 💙 पर वो 👀 दुनिया 🌎 मे खोजते 🔍 रहते 🏃♂️ #है
शौक 😎 पुरे 💯 करलो 🔥 #साहब 👤
जिन्दगी 🤗 तो ☝ खुद ही 👀 पुरी 🖤 हो जायेगी 🍁 #एक_दिन 😍
तुमसें 👸रोका ✋ ना #जायेगा 🔥 काफीला 👥
हमनें 👦भीड़ 👬 नहीं #लोगों 😉 के #दिल ❤️ #जीतें ✌ हैं ।।
किसी रिश्तेदार के घर इतने दिन भी नहीं रुकना चाहिए कि वो,
करेले, लौकी और टिण्डे परोसने पर मजबूर हो जाए!
मोहब्बत और डाउनलोड तभी शुरू करें जब कनेक्शन मज़बूत हो,
अधूरा छूटने पर दोनों ही तकलीफ देते हैं !
याद रखें कि आप किसी के मुस्कुराने का कारण हैं।
क्योंकि तुम एक मजाक हो।
अजीब चीज है ” रोटी ” भी ….
जिस्म तक बिक जाते है इसके लिए..
कमियाँ तो मुझ में बहुत है पर मैं बईमान नहीं ,मैं सबको अपना बनता हूँ सोचता फायदा या नुक्सान नहीं 😉😎
Attitude WhatsApp Status

I love it when I see you happy.
I miss you a lot, but it’s okay. I’m fine.
Sometimes it feels better not to talk.
Smallest lie can break the biggest trust.
Don’t worry, the right ones won’t leave.
I still remember our last eye contact.
You are the only one my heart wants.
I spend my whole day thinking of u.
Take me back to the last time we met.
My favorite memory was meeting you.
I’m done begging for your attention.
Need someone who care about me.
Current mood: I wanna talk with you.
I need someone who never change.
Dear old days , I miss you.
Love 💕 is Easy but Queen 👑 is Busy .❤
I wish I can delete my sad feelings.
You broke my heart, but i still love you with all the pieces.